Law firm
- BIZOŇ & PARTNERS, Ltd. is a company registered with the Commercial Registry of the District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, File No.: 47919/B, which, in compliance with Art. 106 of the Act No. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code as amended, is liable unlimitedly for its debts and obligations.
- Therefore, in compliance with Art. 15 (1) of the Attorneys Act No. 586/2003 Coll. as amended, in order to obtain protection against risks of potential indemnity claims, BIZOŇ & PARTNERS, Ltd. has concluded a professional liability insurance contract with insurance company Wüstenrot a.s. (joint stock company), in which the sum insured is set to the amount of EUR 1,500,000. However, we would like to point out that since our successful establishment on the Slovak legal services market in 1991, the company BIZOŇ & PARTNERS, Ltd. has never made use of such insurance policy and has never faced a legal malpractice claim.

The Team
In the law firm BIZOŇ & PARTNERS, Ltd., a team of lawyers work under professional guidance of JUDr. Juraj Bizoň (JD), attorney and former judge, who established the company in 1991. The law firm provides legal services on the topmost level in Slovak, English, German and Spanish language, whilst respecting and treating equally all our local and foreign clients.
More About Our Team

Law firm BIZOŇ & PARTNERS, Ltd. operates in its offices in Bratislava and Nitra. We represent our clients before Slovak and Czech courts, public administration bodies, arbitration tribunals, European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, and, in order to meet client´s specific needs, we are ready to provide legal services anywhere abroad. We help our clients to tackle their daily life problems and we assist them in various unexpected life situations.
BIZOŇ & PARTNERS, Ltd. is a Slovak law firm that has been offering legal services since 1991. During its existence it has solved a great number of legal cases and has become a well-established law firm in Slovakia.
It offers to its clients complex legal services at the highest quality. Attorneys working in our law firm are experts in their respective legal fields. They are constantly surveying the current case-law and try to apply new methods of solving legal issues in practice. What appears to be an unconventional legal solution at the beginning is, after certain time, gradually becoming a standard practice.
We treat equally all our cases and even to seemingly small issues we attach the same level of importance as to the biggest transactions and lawsuits. Our motto is the highest standard of provided legal services, compliance with rules of ethics, and detail-oriented precision.
We are proud to be a partner on whom our clients can fully rely. As a result, we have gained the trust of clients seeking legal assistance.
The advantage of our law firm is its close cooperation and involvement in the international association AEA International Lawyers Network,